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Aromatic Practice


Personalized Classes


      If you would like to consult with Ruah about a personalized program for

you and/or your group on an aspect of Aromatic Practice, please contact her at



Examples of Possible Programs


  • Balancing Your Chakras with Subtle Aromatherapy

  • Creative Visualization with Essential Oils

  • Creating Your Inner Sacred Space

  • Prayer Practices & Meditation with Essential Oils

  • The Subtle Path of Tarot

  • Meeting Inner Guides

  • Enhancing Intuition with Essential Oils

  • The Four-Fold Way: Creating Your Medicine Wheel

  • The Dreambody: Aromatic Practice & Body Wisdom




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"Listening to the Oils" with Ruah Bull 

      In Aromatherapy & Subtle Energy Techniques on page 35, there is an exercise called "Listening to the Oils." It is designed to help you discover and understand the subtle properties of a particular essential oil and how to use your gut feelings and intuition to gather information. This exercise will help you relax, focus, and "listen" to what an essential oil wants to "communicate" to you. The more you practice, the easier and more natural it will become. We believe that developing an intuitive and personal relationship with the essential oils we use enhances their subtle effects. 

      In this audio session, Ruah guides you through a simple 12-minute exercise to help you attune to a particular essential oil and discover the unique gifts and teachings it offers you. Remember that you may receive information that is unique to you. Trust your intuition. There is no right or wrong information.

      Before you begin the recording, have ready an essential oil that you want to focus on, a tissue, and a pen and paper. You will also want to be in a comfortable, quiet setting.

"Listening to the Oils" with Ruah Bull
00:00 / 11:23
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      The information on this Site is for educational purposes only. It is not intended to diagnose, prescribe for, treat, or claim to prevent, mitigate, or cure any disease or condition. If you have physical or mental health concerns, consult with a qualified healthcare professional. If you have serious medical conditions, consult with your doctor before using essential oils. Any application of the information herein provided is undertaken at the reader’s sole risk and discretion.


All rights reserved. The material on this site may not be published, broadcast, rewritten,

or redistributed in whole or part without express written permission. 

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